Friday, April 24, 2015

Woosong University Celebrates its 60th Anniversary

This past year, Woosong University celebrated its 60th anniversary. Since the founding of its original small campus in 1955, the university has established its unique history and traditions and gone on to become a global leader in higher education. The University was recently designated "Higher Education Specialization University" by the Accreditation Board for Higher Education. In celebration, Woosong held a variety of events for its birthday. Among the festivities were the proclamation ceremony for Woosong’s 100-year goals, the 60th anniversary Sol Concert, and the festival of multicultural families.

With the proclamation ceremony of September 22nd, a two-day athletic event was held. After President John E. Endicott addressed the crowd to celebrate the 60th anniversary and pronounce the university’s 100-year goals, Woosong freshmen participated in fun sporting events right after releasing dozens of celebratory balloons from the stage. Wearing tee shirts emblazoned with the names of their respective departments, they ran eagerly in relay races, and played dodge ball, soccer, basketball and foot volleyball. These events were followed by a fierce tug-of-war. Onlookers screamed and jumped to cheer for their teams. The Railway Vehicle System Engineering and Beauty Design Departments won the overall championship. In second place came the Culinary Arts Department.

Nam Seong Hyun, a student of the Railway Vehicle System Engineering Department echoed the sentiments of classmates saying, "It was a joyful experience to play together with our classmates."

The 60th anniversary festival was held on September 24th and 25th. Expectations about the festival were high because popular singers were coming to perform. Apink and Seo In Guk visited Woosong University for the anniversary on the 24th. On the 25th, IU, ZE;A, Sweet Sorrow, Heo Gak, Vos, and the Kim Jang Hoon band took the stage to perform and celebrate. Additionally, the Woosong festival had various games and activities like a casino with blackjack for all ages, and food of all kinds and a variety of products were sold. The Department of Hotel and Tourism Management’s Food and Beverage club sold cocktails and food. The Department of Food Service Management opened the events by dropping water balloons from overhead, under the clear autumn sky.

Yoo Sol Jae of Eventino Club said, "I felt good because I could participate in this festival. It was good to experience being a casino dealer. The University festival was amazing to have set up so many booths; this was not like any high school festival. It was good to show off the characteristics of our department. I hope to participate in future festivals."

The Woosong festival entertainment began at 6 o’clock with a talent show and audition of students from 15 teams. The competitors got the chance to demonstrate the dance and song skills they had been polishing in the past weeks. The dance performance of Chinese students in Korea won the first prize. They received a fervent applause for their powerful performance. The Sol concert was held on 25th. President Endicott addressed the crowd to celebrate the 60th anniversary and Global 100 year goals. Huge crowds turned out to see the famous singers at Woosong.

The festival of multicultural families was held on the 1st of October. This is the 60th anniversary wedding festival for love and spirit of multicultural families. It meant that our traditional wedding ceremony and our uniqueness and cultural art was shared by 16 different couples.

The staff of the Woosong Herald would like to thank everyone who organized and participated in the celebrations. May we enjoy many more such festivals in the years to come.

Staff writers  Yun Su-In and others.


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